Tuesday 7 June 2011

1,000 call center Jobs in Canton City


VXI Global Solutions is expected to open a call center in the city.

“I’m proud to announce that an agreement has been reached between VXI Global Solutions and Canton Centre to bring 1,000 new jobs to the city of Canton,” Mayor William J. Healy II said late Tuesday afternoon in a news release.

The project is expected to create about 1,000 jobs within three years. Healy expects wages to range from $9 to $18 an hour. Benefits will be included. The average wage will be $10 to $12 an hour, he said.

1,000 Jobs Within Three Years
Services include account management, retention calls and client support in more than 20 languages.

Positions will include outbound and inbound sales agents, supervisors, operations managers, human resource managers, trainers and recruiters, Healy said.

Within three years, Global Solutions could be among the top five or top 10 employers in Canton, he said.

“... these types of opportunities don’t come around (often) to the city,” Healy said of VXI Global Solutions. “It is a huge deal.”


Healy and Robert Torres, the city’s development director, previously had declined to name the business, citing the ongoing negotiations.

After The Repository contacted Healy and Torres Tuesday afternoon with the name of the company, the mayor released a statement.

Healy said he had been prepared to acknowledge the name of the business, and comment further on the project, once the media learned the company’s identity. In late April, the Ohio Tax Credit Authority approved a Job Creation Tax Credit for Global Solution’s proposed call center in Canton, according to Bethany McCorkle, a spokeswoman with the Ohio Department of Development.

“This has been so close for some time, and there have been so many different things in the works ... and we’ve been anxiously waiting for a time to go public,” Healy said.

City officials have been working on the project for about five months, Healy said. “This thing was on the verge of announcement for several weeks because of a few things (the company was) trying to finalize,” he said.

Nick Covelli, senior vice president of sales and marketing for Global Solutions, could not be reached for comment Tuesday.


Healy said the deal is close to being finalized. Some “technical issues” need to be addressed, he said.

But “until you have all the I’s dotted and cross all the T’s, you don’t want to assume anything,” he said.

VXI Global Solutions has begun the hiring process and has scheduled a job fair for 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday at The Employment Source at 822 30th St. NW, according to the mayor’s news release.

Those interested should contact The Employment Source at 330-433-9675.


VXI Global Solutions has 10 call centers, including locations in Youngstown, California, Texas, the Philippines and China. The company employs more than 1,200 in the United States, according to the Ohio Department of Development.

Canton was in competition with communities in South Carolina and Pennsylvania for the call center, according to the Department of Development.

City Council has to vote on economic development incentives for the project, including a $700,000 grant spread over seven years. The grant would be funded with Community Development Block Grant dollars through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.

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